Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Create Your Own Weight Loss Challenge?


Do you and some friends or co-workers want to lose weight? This will help you create a fun and motivating weight loss challenge. In order to lose weight effectively, you need to be motivated, and what's better motivation than a bunch of friends, coworkers or family members joining the cause with you? Create your own weight loss challenge and enjoy the competition and positive results.


Step 1

Gather up some friends, family members or co-workers who want to lose weight. Tell them that you want to start a weight loss challenge. Make sure everyone plans to lose weight in a healthy way. Ban any unhealthy weight loss habits like taking diet pills or starving yourself.

Step 2

Ask all participants to donate ten dollars to the weight loss cause. Take all of the money and purchase a gift card. (Bank gift cards that can be spent on anything are a great option.)

Step 3

Set a weight loss start date and end date. Have a weigh-in on the first day. Plan a weigh in for the middle of the competition, and a weigh in for the last day. Make sure to account for clothing weight when weighing people. Don't let anyone cheat by wearing heavy clothes in the beginning and light ones at the end.

Step 4

Start losing weight! Have meetings so everyone can motivate each other. Remember, the gift card is a great prize, but everyone should be supportive of everyone else. This is a friendly competition.

Step 5

Spend time and do activities with your weight loss group. Go for group walks. Make healthy potluck lunches or dinners. Or, just hang out. Being together will prevent everyone from snacking on unhealthy foods.

Step 6

At the end of the challenge, do a final weigh in. The person who lost the most wins the gift card, and the pride of having lost the most weight. Remember, even after the challenge ends, healthy living should be a continuous goal.

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