Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Diet For Fast Weight Loss?


There are many diets for weight loss but to really lose the weight fast, you need to dedicate yourself to a strict but safe and healthy diet while maintaining a regular fitness routine. The following outlines a simple three step plan to dieting for fast weight loss


Step 1

The first step to your program is to either reduce or eliminate fatty foods from your diet such as pizza, hot dogs and nachos just to name a few. Ideally you want to aim for your fat consumption to be around 10 percent of your total caloric intake. For example if you're goal is to consume 1,500 calories per day you will use the simple formula of Calories = fat/9 or 1500 multiplied by 10 percent and then divided by 9 equals 16 grams of fat. As a guide, the average intake to lose fat for men is 2,400 - 2,500 calories and 1,500 – 1,600 for women. You'll also want to eliminate regular sodas and minimize your alcohol consumption to no more than one twelve ounce drink per night.

Step 2

Meal frequency is the key to a successful diet for fast weight loss. Ideally you should try to eat five to six times per day. This doesn't mean eat five or six full course meals but rather have your three main meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner with light snacks in between like string cheese, a pudding cup or a granola bar. For your meals a good menu to follow would be oatmeal or whole grain cereal for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine or maybe a sandwich made of whole wheat bread, lean meat like sliced turkey, chicken breast or tuna with light mayonnaise or mustard. If you follow a similar meal plan during the day you can probably have most any food of choice for dinner. However, this doesn't mean you can have a double cheeseburger and a large order or fries. You need to practice portion control or otherwise you will end up defeating your efforts for the day and make no progress.

Step 3

Last but not least is to develop a fitness routine to compliment your diet for fast weight loss. You can do something simple like body weight exercises such as push ups, pull ups and sit ups to start with and maybe work into a more advanced routine as time progresses. You also want to include some sort of cardiovascular activity into your fitness routine to maximize your results. This can be anything from walking to jogging around the neighborhood or buying a treadmill or elliptical machine to use inside.

Tips & Warnings...

A well balanced meal plan along with a consistent fitness routine will definitely prove to be effective in your efforts to diet for fast weight loss. The main ingredient that will result in success is to be consistent with your program until you reach your desired goal. One important thing to consider is that you might want to break your goal into smaller goals to avoid getting discouraged on your path to weight loss. This is especially important if you have more than say fifteen to twenty pounds to lose. Set your goals in increments of five pounds and reward yourself with a treat each time you reach your goal. Be consistent and stay positive and you should start seeing results before you know it.

How to Maintain a Weight Loss Plan While Traveling?


Maintaining weight loss while traveling is a challenge because it can be difficult to control the food at your disposal and the ingredients used. However, a few simple steps can help you make smart food when you're traveling and options are limited.


Step 1

Choose fast food chains with healthy menu options. Many fast food establishments are beginning to expand their menus to cater to those who are trying to maintain weight loss or otherwise eat healthily. These establishments are usually easy to locate.

Step 2

Go for the salad or the grilled items because they are probably the healthiest menu items. However, many restaurants, fast food or otherwise, load salads and grilled items down with extra dressing, cheese, bacon and other fatty additives. Request your toppings on the side so you can control your fat intake.

Step 3

Try an appetizer to maintain your portion control. Most restaurant portions are wildly oversized, so a great way to keep your portions down without the temptation of a huge plate is to order an appetizer which will fill you up, taste great and even save you money.

Step 4

Limit the amount of snacks that you take with you when you travel. Instead of stocking your car with chips and candy bars from gas stations, plan ahead and load up on fresh fruit and carry a cooler of healthy sandwiches.

Step 5

Make a plan before you travel in order to maintain your weight loss. Many restaurant websites offer a listing of all their locations. With a little prior planning you can map out your meals. If not, try asking locals for healthy dining recommendations.

Step 6

Do some exercise even when you're traveling. Instead of taking the elevator, climb stairs at your next conference. If you choose walking over public transportation or seek out a fitness center in your hotel, you should have no problem maintaining your weight loss when you travel.

How to Choose a Weight Loss Clinic?


Celebrity endorsements and amazing promises are tempting lures put out by weight loss clinics. Consider the advertising claims, but look beyond the ads to choose the right weight-loss clinic for you. In addition to investing time and money in the clinic, your physical and mental health are at sake, so take precautions and read a few tips before making the leap to join a program.


Step 1

Visit the clinic with no intention of joining. Leave your credit card and checkbook at home so you won't be tempted to sign up on the spot. Clinics employ professional, commissioned salespeople to sell memberships and they know how to find your hot buttons and get you to sign. Instead, look around, take a tour and ask a lot of questions.

Step 2

Check out consumer websites that post comments about local operations. Sometimes a weight-loss company will post comments on their own sites, but many companies only print the favorable reviews.

Step 3

Ask for and call former and current members. Engage them with open-ended questions to get their opinion about the clinic and the people who run it, as well as their success with the program.

Step 4

Look at the different options that each weight loss clinic offers. Decide if you want to buy prepackaged food, cook the food yourself or eat out. Some clinics offer online programs, while others focus on group or counselor meetings. Compare and then pick the weight loss clinic that best fits your lifestyle.

Step 5

Request a sample membership. Often clubs and clinics offer specials fro a week or two to let you try the service and the products they sell. Read the offer to make sure it does not include any clauses that will hold you responsible if you decline to join.

Step 6

Look for a program that offers a thorough follow-up regimen for weight maintenance. Any low-calorie program can help you lose weight, but it's keeping it off long term that is most important.

Tips & Warnings...

Consult your doctor if you have questions about any weight loss plan.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

How to Avoid Weight Loss Saboteurs?


It's difficult enough to lose weight without dealing with weight loss saboteurs. You know who they are. They are the people who tell you that you don't need to lose weight, as they hand you a brownie. Or, they're the people who pretend to be supporting you while they tempt you to break your diet "just this once". Spot them and you can change their effect on your weight loss efforts.


Step 1

Clearly state your intentions of eating healthy. Tell your friends, family members and co-workers that you're watching what you eat.

Step 2

Explain why you're trying to lose weight and the importance of getting healthier.

Step 3

Ask for their support. If your loved ones feel like you need their help, they're less likely to try to sabotage your efforts. Specifically ask them to exercise with you more or not to offer you a second helping.

Step 4

Stick to your guns. If you feel pressured, don't be afraid to flat out tell the saboteur that you don't appreciate them trying to ruin your diet. Give them examples of statements they've made that have hurt your feelings and your efforts.

Step 5

Avoid spending time with people who don't respect your decision to lose weight.

Step 6

Learn how to cope with people who won't support your weight loss efforts. Plan other activities that are food-free. You can take a walk with your friend, see a movie or go to the park. Do something that takes food entirely out of the equation.

How to Overcome Weight Loss Setbacks?


Making healthy lifestyle changes in order to lose weight isn't easy, especially when you have maintained unhealthy eating habits for so long. When you make plans to lose weight in the beginning, it's easy to slip back into your old ways. It's important to have a plan in place for these occurrences.


Step 1

Devise a strategy. Don't plan to fail, but rather make a plan for success. Be honest about your weight loss setbacks. Perhaps they're was caused be stress, or maybe you're an emotional eater. Identify triggers and try to avoid them.

Step 2

Forgive yourself. If you do slip up, you can't waste time beating yourself up over it. If you fell off the wagon for a day or a few days know that it's okay. Just start over with the attitude of succeeding. Be kind to yourself, otherwise you may just give up completely and give in to your unhealthy way of living. Remember that each new day is a new beginning.

Step 3

Revise your goals. Make sure that your weight loss goals are realistic. One to two pounds a week is excellent progress.

Step 4

Avoid risky temptations until you are strong enough to handle it. Don't keep chips, soda, cookies and other unhealthy foods around knowing that you could cave in. Avoid them completely at all costs to minimize the chances of weight loss setbacks.

Step 5

Exercise more to help overcome weight loss setbacks and kick start your metabolism. If you've reach a plateau, increasing your activity or including weight-bearing exercises will help get you back on track, and you'll gain all the added benefits of exercise as well.

Tips & Warnings...

Dealing with your issues head on will help you make a plan to avoid making the same mistake twice. Admit your weaknesses and create a list of solutions to help you get through weight loss setbacks.

Always check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise program.

How to Create Your Own Weight Loss Challenge?


Do you and some friends or co-workers want to lose weight? This will help you create a fun and motivating weight loss challenge. In order to lose weight effectively, you need to be motivated, and what's better motivation than a bunch of friends, coworkers or family members joining the cause with you? Create your own weight loss challenge and enjoy the competition and positive results.


Step 1

Gather up some friends, family members or co-workers who want to lose weight. Tell them that you want to start a weight loss challenge. Make sure everyone plans to lose weight in a healthy way. Ban any unhealthy weight loss habits like taking diet pills or starving yourself.

Step 2

Ask all participants to donate ten dollars to the weight loss cause. Take all of the money and purchase a gift card. (Bank gift cards that can be spent on anything are a great option.)

Step 3

Set a weight loss start date and end date. Have a weigh-in on the first day. Plan a weigh in for the middle of the competition, and a weigh in for the last day. Make sure to account for clothing weight when weighing people. Don't let anyone cheat by wearing heavy clothes in the beginning and light ones at the end.

Step 4

Start losing weight! Have meetings so everyone can motivate each other. Remember, the gift card is a great prize, but everyone should be supportive of everyone else. This is a friendly competition.

Step 5

Spend time and do activities with your weight loss group. Go for group walks. Make healthy potluck lunches or dinners. Or, just hang out. Being together will prevent everyone from snacking on unhealthy foods.

Step 6

At the end of the challenge, do a final weigh in. The person who lost the most wins the gift card, and the pride of having lost the most weight. Remember, even after the challenge ends, healthy living should be a continuous goal.

How to Choose a Weight Loss Plan


There's no magic pill to make the pounds disappear. But there isn't a magic plan either. If you're really ready to fight the Battle of The Bulge, your arsenal needs to include plenty of determination and common sense as well as regular exercise and a healthy eating plan that will work for the long haul.


Step 1

Decide how much weight you want to lose. Most dieters hope to shed about 30 pounds, but this goal could prove unrealistic and discouraging to many people.

Step 2

Learn how to monitor not only your body weight, but your Body Mass Index (BMI), a number that shows weight adjusted for height. Find your BMI rating on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site (

Step 3

Discuss how much weight you really need to lose with your doctor or a registered dietitian. Map out a total plan and timeline to achieve your weight loss goals.

Step 4

Glean tips from the popular diet plans. Weight Watchers advocates portion control, balanced nutrition and limited intake of starches and sugars. Members attend weekly meetings for support and tips. In the South Beach Diet's three-phased approach, you start out with major sugar and carbohydrate restrictions and gradually work complex carbs back in. Both South Beach and Atkins encourage a hefty intake of proteins and vegetables in order to trigger a slower release of sugars into the bloodstream and keep insulin levels steady. Figuring out a nutritional ratio for every meal, such as the Zone's mix of 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat may not hold up in the long run, but it will train you to make educated choices.

Step 5

Get moving. Regular exercise not only burns calories and increases your general fitness level but also speeds up your metabolism, which then burns more calories.

Step 6

Make calorie-burning choices. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and skip the golf cart rental. Every little bit counts.

Step 7

Put a positive support team in place. Studies show that having a coach, mentor or support group (such as those at Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig) is a huge help when making lifestyle changes. Or, find a friend who shares your goals. It's much easier to stay motivated when someone else is slugging it out with you.

Step 8

Work losing weight into your budget. Some plans cost money to join, others sell ready-made meals and books. And, fresh ingredients often cost more than fast food. You also may spend money joining a gym. You'll find the benefits far exceed any monetary drawbacks.

Tips & Warnings...

Remember that the key to any successful weight loss plan is to consume fewer calories than you burn, control the size of your portions, and eat a nutritionally balanced diet.

Drink lots of water and take a daily multivitamin.

Skepticism is a healthy thing when you're considering a hot new dieting plan.

Studies show that the people who stuck with the four popular diet plans--Dean Ornish, Weight Watchers, Atkins and the Zone--for a year lost only about 5 percent of their body weight.

Fast, drastic weight loss can cause serious damage to your health.

Fad diets are just that--fads. They don't stick around, because people come to the realization that they are not going to lose weight and keep it off just because they ate only meat, subsisted on grapefruit juice for 6 months or slurped cabbage soup.

Monday, August 10, 2009

How to Lose Weight Your Way?

How to Lose Weight and keep it off your way?

Many people spend their entire lives dieting for weight loss, and most of them either give up or ride the highs and lows of dieting for their entire lives. There is no reason to feel discouraged or to give as long as you understand that: DIETS DON'T WORK!!!

You do not need to diet to lose weight!
All you need to do is change you eating lifestyle. Make smart decisions about everything you put into your body. I often watch friends and family members eat the worst fast foods that you could possibly imagine, but then they take so much time and effort to put the best rims on their ride or the best quality gas in their cars. Why not use that same energy and care to put the best foods into your body?

As I said diets do not work for the simple fact that you might go on one of these prescribed diets like Jenny Craig, Atkins etc. and as soon as you reach your goal weight then you start thinking its ok to eat the way that you use to eat before this diet, or you might indulge in their favorite foods too often. This is what causes all the weight to come back and then some. But, why follow a diet someone else came up with? After all, everyone is different, therefore, one diet can't work for everyone. We all have different things we like and things we do not like.

What I am about to give you are tips that should help you to lose weight that you should incorporate into your lifestyle. This is not a diet, but tools you should use to develop you own little diet.


Step 1

First of all a lot of people think that in order to lose weight they need to restrict A LOT of their calories or starve themselves. This mindset is very dangerous and will either lead you into dangerous eating disorders or in a cycle where you starve or restrict to lose weight and because you body is so deprived of a lot of nutrition you end up bingeing uncontrollably, gaining back all the weight (and possibly more) that you have lost.

What you need to do is come up with a healthy caloric range that you will stick to per day and work on meeting that goal. Do not beat yourself up either if you go over this goal, remember it is just a target.
The stress we sometimes cause ourselves from going over our calorie limit is way worst that the few little calories we went over our goal by in the first place. So be kind to yourself!

Step 2

A lot of us don't think that the people around us can influence our behaviors. But, I am here to tell you that this is one of the reasons why people go off their plan. When you are dieting people around you will find all the negative things to say to throw you off course. Some of them might be a little concern and might mean well, but some of them might be plain jealous and want you to fail. So be very careful as to who you tell that you are trying to lose weight. Weight Loss is not just exercising and eating healthy. Its is way more than that and it involves a lot of emotions, so you want to keep the energy around you very positive, even if it means temporarily eliminating those people from your life until you have reached your goal.

Step 3

Eating healthy is very good. But, if you eat too many healthy calories, you will still gain weight. So it is important that you restrict your calories bearing in mind that women are not suppose to have less than 1200 calories a day, and men are not suppose to have less than 1500 a day (Of course there are other factors to consider like height and weight, BMI, BMR etc.), but that is the basics. If you are a woman and you currently eat 2000 calories a day, it would be safe to restrict your calories to 1500 per day.
Remember 3500 calories= 1 pound. So if you take away 500 calories from a 2000 calorie diet then you should lose 1 pounds per week by restricting alone; to lose 2 pounds you would most likely have to burn 3500 calories per week (i.e. burn 500 calories a day) along with cutting back the 500 calories to lose 2 pounds.

N.B. This is how I calculated my calories to lose 30 pounds.

Step 4

Exercise is a very important part of weight loss. I recommend burning 500-1000 calories per day. You do not have to stress yourself out about exercise as the most important thing in weight loss and exercising is consistency. If you are a beginner start slow.

It is also very important to incorporate little movements in your day to burn more calories, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, get a bicycle and ride to place close to home instead of driving, or just walk, stand at work instead of sitting and so on.

Find the things you love to do the most and try incorporating it into your exercise routine.

Step 5

We all tend to eat sweet, salty and spicy food. But what we don't understand is that salty foods and not enough water forces our bodies to hole on to water weight. So drinking half your body weight in water will actually hydrate your cells, allow your body to lose all that water weight which can equal up to 5 pounds. So stop drinking Soda, sugary juice with meals or for snack and drink water. If you want apple juice, eat an apple or get a juicer and get your juice straight from the source instead of consuming all that SUGAR, artificial flavor, added color, preservatives and so on. MY MOTTO IS: EAT YOUR CALORIES DON'T DRINK THEM. Remember, water is zero calories so you can have as much as you want!

Step 6

It is very important that you keep track of all your inputs and outputs daily. This way you can see where you are going wrong and correct it, and if you are doing good you can at least be able to consciously know what you did right and keep up the good work.

There are many online food and exercise logs like:,, sparkpeople etc. that you can use to help track your progress.

Step 7

Love yourself throughout this process as getting to your goal weight will not automatically make everything perfect. So love yourself!

Tips & Warnings

In creating your diet. Add foods that you love but also keep a watch on the calories and the portion.

Friday, August 7, 2009

How to Set Weight Loss Goals


Setting realistic goals - including weight, exercise, food and psychological goals - before you begin a weight loss plan is essential to a successful program.

Things You'll Need:
Running Shoes
Low-fat Cookbooks


Step 1

Begin by setting some small daily goals. Your weight goal might be to lose 1 pound per week. If you hardly exercised in the past, you might want to walk around your neighborhood for 20 minutes every day. (If you like, split it into a 10-minute walk in the morning and another in the evening.) Your nutritional goal may be to reduce your fat intake. Your psychological goal may be to write in a journal every day.

Step 2

Establish intermediate goals that are a little more ambitious than your original goals. For instance, two weeks after you begin to meet your daily 20-minute walk goal, extend your goal to a daily 1-hour walk; start eating smaller portions at every meal; and seek counseling for any self-esteem issues you might have.

Step 3

Determine big-picture goals; this includes the total amount of weight you'd like to lose by the end of your program. Make a commitment to jog or run every day to maintain your weight and health; learn how you can shop, cook and eat as nutritiously as possible; and take up an activity that you think you have a knack for - this can keep up your self-esteem.

Step 4

Set time frames for your daily, intermediate and big-picture goals. As you progress from one to the next, reward yourself. Go shopping, get a facial, take a weekend trip. You deserve it!

Tips & Warnings...

Be specific when setting your goals. For instance, determine how much weight you will lose, as opposed to simply resolving to lose weight. (To come up with a final goal that's healthy and appropriate, see "Determine Your Body Mass Index" and "Interpret Your Body Fat Percentage," under Related eHows.)

Determine your daily, intermediate and big-picture goals before you begin your weight loss program. This will help you work realistically and gradually toward your final goals, as well as help you to gauge your progress.

Talk to your physician when you are setting your goals - he or she can help determine what is safe for you.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet.

How to Lose Weight?


Figuring out how to lose weight is a challenge for many of us, particularly considering that the quickest path to weight loss is different for everyone. Of course, the common denominator is always proper diet and exercise, which not only aid in weight loss, but also keep a body healthy. Of course you've heard this before — the challenge is to follow through. Others have lost weight by following these simple guidelines, and so can you...

Things You'll Need:
Healthy foods
Food and exercise journals
Health cookbooks


Step 1

Set small, realistic goals. If you have a lot of weight to lose, try for 5 pounds, relax a bit and then go for 5 more.

Step 2

Start a regular exercise program and stick with it.

Step 3

Sneak in extra exercise in addition to your regular program. Park at the far end of the parking lot and walk; take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Step 4

Healthy foods are an important ingredient in losing weight.
Eat healthy fats from nuts, seeds and olive oil, and high-fiber foods such as vegetable salads and whole-grain pastas.

Step 5

Choose foods that you like. Learn to prepare healthful, low-calorie foods that taste good by checking healthy cook books for new recipes. Eating well doesn't have to mean eating dull.

Step 6

Eat smaller, more frequent meals. This way, your body starts to increase its metabolism so that calories are burned faster. Also, mini-meals can prevent overeating.

Step 7

Plan ahead. Keep the fridge stocked with healthful food and you'll be less likely to run out for high-calorie, high-fat junk food.

Step 8

Determine your favorite snack time and be sure to have plenty of healthful options available when you get hungry.

Step 9

Keep a food diary. This will help you pinpoint where you can improve your diet.

Tips & Warnings...

Lose weight with a friend, or join a support group.

Avoid those vending machines by carrying around your own healthful foods and leaving pocket change at home.

Try oatmeal instead of cornflakes for breakfast--eating oatmeal can help reduce cholesterol levels, and its high fiber content will keep you full longer.

Choose an exercise program that you enjoy, and don't shun the unconventional. For instance, did you know that regular vigorous dancing is exercise too?

Lose weight gradually--you are more apt to keep it off. A safe amount is 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week.

Consult a doctor to find an exercise program that is best for you.

Crash diets can help you lose weight quickly, but most people gain the weight back. Some of these diets are also unhealthy and dangerous. If you choose to go with a specific diet plan, choose one that is medically credible.

If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other health care professional before engaging in any activity related to health and diet.

Weight Loss Tips


Figuring out how to lose weight is a challenge for many of us, particularly considering that the quickest path to weight loss is different ...more...

How to Lose Weight and keep it off your way. Many people spend their entire lives dieting for weight loss, and most of them either give up or ride the highs ...more...

How to Set Weight Loss Goals. Setting realistic goals - including weight, exercise, food and psychological goals - before you begin a weight loss plan is ...more...

How to Choose a Weight Loss Plan. News flash: There's no magic pill to make the pounds disappear. But there isn't a magic plan either...more...

How to Create Your Own Weight Loss Challenge. Do you and some friends or co- workers want to lose weight? This will help you create a fun and ...more...

There are many diets for weight loss but to really lose the weight fast, you need to dedicate yourself to a strict but safe and healthy diet...more...

How to Overcome Weight Loss Setbacks. Making healthy lifestyle changes in order to lose weight isn't easy, especially when you have maintained unhealthy ...more...

How to Avoid Weight Loss Saboteurs. It's difficult enough to lose weight without dealing with weight loss saboteurs. You know who they are...more...

How to Choose a Weight Loss Clinic. Celebrity endorsements and amazing promises are tempting lures put out by weight loss clinics...more...

Maintaining weight loss while traveling is a challenge because it can be difficult to control the food at your disposal and the ingredients used...more...