There are many diets for weight loss but to really lose the weight fast, you need to dedicate yourself to a strict but safe and healthy diet while maintaining a regular fitness routine. The following outlines a simple three step plan to dieting for fast weight loss
Step 1
The first step to your program is to either reduce or eliminate fatty foods from your diet such as pizza, hot dogs and nachos just to name a few. Ideally you want to aim for your fat consumption to be around 10 percent of your total caloric intake. For example if you're goal is to consume 1,500 calories per day you will use the simple formula of Calories = fat/9 or 1500 multiplied by 10 percent and then divided by 9 equals 16 grams of fat. As a guide, the average intake to lose fat for men is 2,400 - 2,500 calories and 1,500 – 1,600 for women. You'll also want to eliminate regular sodas and minimize your alcohol consumption to no more than one twelve ounce drink per night.
Step 2
Meal frequency is the key to a successful diet for fast weight loss. Ideally you should try to eat five to six times per day. This doesn't mean eat five or six full course meals but rather have your three main meals of breakfast, lunch and dinner with light snacks in between like string cheese, a pudding cup or a granola bar. For your meals a good menu to follow would be oatmeal or whole grain cereal for breakfast, a Lean Cuisine or maybe a sandwich made of whole wheat bread, lean meat like sliced turkey, chicken breast or tuna with light mayonnaise or mustard. If you follow a similar meal plan during the day you can probably have most any food of choice for dinner. However, this doesn't mean you can have a double cheeseburger and a large order or fries. You need to practice portion control or otherwise you will end up defeating your efforts for the day and make no progress.
Step 3
Last but not least is to develop a fitness routine to compliment your diet for fast weight loss. You can do something simple like body weight exercises such as push ups, pull ups and sit ups to start with and maybe work into a more advanced routine as time progresses. You also want to include some sort of cardiovascular activity into your fitness routine to maximize your results. This can be anything from walking to jogging around the neighborhood or buying a treadmill or elliptical machine to use inside.
Tips & Warnings...
A well balanced meal plan along with a consistent fitness routine will definitely prove to be effective in your efforts to diet for fast weight loss. The main ingredient that will result in success is to be consistent with your program until you reach your desired goal. One important thing to consider is that you might want to break your goal into smaller goals to avoid getting discouraged on your path to weight loss. This is especially important if you have more than say fifteen to twenty pounds to lose. Set your goals in increments of five pounds and reward yourself with a treat each time you reach your goal. Be consistent and stay positive and you should start seeing results before you know it.