Monday, July 20, 2009

Sell Advertising


Sell Your Space On Your High PR Traffic Site Whether Its Banner Space Or Text Links

If you are a publisher or working online and your livelihood is based on internet income then you should be looking to get most out of your each visitor to monetize your web site along with maintaining good user's experience. But as a decent publisher always use ethical ways that will add some value to your web site rather visitors had such experience that keeps away from returning. Here you go with 5 independent ways that may run together to monetize your web site with little description on each..

1. Graphics Banner Ads
You may sell your web space for placing image banner ads. Unlike the PPC Ads these ads does not work on PPC basis. Instead these ads are sold for a particular duration, usually per week or per month basis. This is usually ideal for blog owners but web sites may also integrate this service, depending on Ad Network. These ads are usually 125 * 125 size. This venue is relatively new and more and more advertisers are attracting towards it. You may earn something from $3 to $25 or even more per banner per week. It depends on google PR of your site and alexa ratings. performancingads is an example network along with many other available.

2. In-Line or Contextual Ads
Especially good for bloggers but web sites may also find plug-ins to integrate the ads with their sites. As the name shows these ads are shown by making your text as hyperlinks. If lets say, your content contains a keyword "Free Games" it will be converted into a hyperlink and when your visitor brings mouse over the text/link it will pop up a small ad. It may be PPC based like adbrite does or it may be sales based Ads, relatively mush higher commissions.

For example you may integrate a plug-in of clickbank, that will show context related products and if a user views and goes through it, may bring a sale. This is good in that your user is seeing additional info and related product to your content.

3. PPC Ad Blocks
Very familiar, seen on thousands of web sites and may already be using on your site. So it does not make any bad instead it may add user's experience if your ad service like adsense is showing valuable ads.

As mentioned Google adsense is the example along with Yahoo ads (only for US based publishers), clicksor, adbrite and many other work on this model. Of course you should go with highest paying and most reliable that are Google adsense and yahoo Ads. To avoid any bad always keep backups, by registering and testing other Ad network.

4. Pay Per Play
Another stream that runs independent of all above ads is pay per play. So whenever a visitor lands on your web site, that has integrated pay per play code, and user stays for more than 2 seconds, a background sound ad is played- whether visitor's speakers are On or Off you will make money. Usually it earns you around $350/100K pageviews for US based traffic. So if you are having high volumes of visitors, then happy $350 * (no of 100Ks).

5. Text Link Ads
As mentioned above, the way should be ethical. Text link ads are may be for user's but not for Google. As this method exploits Google link back strategy. You may risk your site for penalizing if you found suspected to sell links but its not hard for your visitors if comes under "recommended" or Partner's section. Risk is if you sell links through already suspected network. The selling standard is usually based on PR of your site or inner pages, Alexa ratings and no. of Yahoo backlinks. You may even earn $200/link/month if your site falls under good standards from text-link-ads service. Think carefully before doing it.

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