Friday, July 31, 2009

Safety Tips For Body Building

Getting Big the Right Way

8 Safety Tips For Body Building

1. Warm Up Thoroughly:
Before you start hitting your target weight with six to eight reps, it is essential that you warm up the muscle. A few minutes of cardio and light stretching are a good way to raise your body temperature. Once you have done this, it is also important to get used to the feel and range of your first exercise. That is why your routine calls for one light warm up set at the beginning of most exercises. With a lightweight, track through the motion of your first exercise with 15-20 reps. do not push yourself to failure with this set - choose a weight that is light enough for you to concentrate on the motion instead of the weight itself.

2. Use Textbook Form:

The purpose of weight training is to fatigue the muscle, not to complete a predetermined number of reps at any cost. It is essential that you use the same perfect form for working sets that you used while warming up. When you can't complete a rep using textbook form, you have succeeded - you have worked the muscle to failure. At this point, end the exercise. Do not squirm and twist your body to force out additional reps. That is called working the muscle to injury.

3. Use The Proper Amount Of Weight:

This is a corollary to safety tip 2. Choose a weight that allows you to complete six to eight reps using textbook form. Again, the purpose is to work the muscle to failure, not to lift a certain amount of weight. Inicrease your weight slowly, so you get a sense of what your body is capable of lifting and how many reps you can expect to lift with that weight.

4. Use Safety Equipment:

A weight belt is of primary importance - it protects and lends support to the injury prone lower back. A weight belt also restricts your movement to keep you from slipping into poor form as you get progressively more tired during a set. It helps you emphasize your target muscle and reduces the change of injury. It is the only essential piece of safety equipment. Weight gloves may be beneficial for improving grip and avoiding slippage, but that is a personal choice. You may want to see if weight gloves make you more comfortable. Other equipment, such as knee wraps and wrist wraps, are probably unnecessary until you progress to the intermediate or advanced levels.

5. Work Out With a Training Partner:

You may not have this option, but if you do, a training partner can be beneficial to your workouts for many reasons. Training partners can provide motivation, but, even more important, a good training partner is there to spot you and ensure that you never slip out of textbook lifting form. They can help lift part of the weight so your form remains stellar. If you do not have a steady training partner, you should seek out someone to spot you for your heavier lifts, particularly near the end of your workout. Most people in the gym are willing to lend a hand, regardless of your level.

6. Choose a Reputable Facility:

The best option for the best workout, of course, is a primo facility with state of the art equipment. We realize that not everyone can afford that. When you choose a place to train, make sure the equipment is in good working order - old or faulty equipment can cause injury as readily as poor form. Similarly, if you choose to work out at home, give your equipment an honest evaluation. If it does not measure up, get rid of it and seek a feasible alternative.

7. Seek Professional Help:

Many neophyte bodybuilders attach a stigma to working out with a trainer, as though they should know everything about bodybuilding the first time they enter a gym. If you can work with a trained professional, you can learn the ropes much faster and possibly avoid errors that many beginners make. At the very least, the facility you choose should have a trained professional to answer questions you might have.

8. Avoid Over training:

One of the things a trained professional will tell you is that excessive training will not lead to faster gains - it will only increase your chances of injury. If you are beginning to see results from performing three sets in the six to eight rep range, you might be tempted to double the number of sets to double your results. But conversely, this level of stress on your muscles may begin to tear them down, actually impeding gains. In addition, overtraining can lead to cumulative joint and / or muscle tissue damage. You might night notice this for months or years, but the damage could put a damper on - or end to - yoThe Bodybuilding Workshop endeavors.

Body Building


How Do I Start Bodybuilding?

4 Secrets For Gaining Muscle Fast!

A beautiful body on a magazine can indeed be a product of modern technology. Many people ask how do I start bodybuilding?

To answer this question you need to know that no amount of physical activity can give you your desired body if it is not coupled with bodybuilding nutrition and a body total workout. Actually, it is the bodybuilding nutrition that is the most vital factor in building the best body. Exercise is a mere supplement to it.

Secret #1.
Bodybuilding nutrition program encourages smaller and frequent meals rather than large and less frequent ones which can aid in how to get rid of love handles. This is so because frequent meals increase your metabolism. A pattern like not eating for a few hours after a large meal will make the body gain fat and lose muscle because the body will experience a catabolic state.

Secret #2.
The body will then feed on the lean muscle tissues in place of the food that you are supposed to eat. A good bodybuilding nutrition program should have meals that include carbohydrates, protein, and fat in the right amounts. This is very important when asking the quesion how do I start bodybuilding.

Secret #3.
Carbohydrates and protein should be about 40% while the remaining percentage is for fats. A very effective method in preparing that bodybuilding nutrition meal is to imagine the size of your clenched fist as the amount of food with carbohydrate content, and that of protein as the size of your open hand.

Secret #4.
Nutrition supplements are a good addition to yoThe Bodybuilding Workshop nutrition plan. Bodybuilding supplements work well with a good bodybuilding nutrition program because it improves the metabolism in the body. Thse are the top 4 secrets you should know when you ask how do I start bodybuilding.

Your metabolism may slow down when dieting to achieve weight loss and build muscle and it is believed that exercise can help a great deal. First the metabolic rate can be higher when exercising and so help to burn off those extra calories and help weight loss and build muscle. Also exercising so that you gain more muscle can help to burn more calories as it thought that muscle burns calories more quickly than fat.

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Aerobic Exercise for Better Fitness:

It doesn't matter who you are in the world, your body needs aerobic exercise. A healthy body and quality way of life requires it. It has many of pros and will help you perform greater in all aspects of your life.

Following are some of the best benefits of Aerobics:

Exercising is the BEST way to control Cholesterol:

What do you know about cholesterol ? Cholesterol is a thing that is in every people. This is just one thing from many things that is produced by human in order to metabolism function properly.
Unfortunately, eating certain food and drinking more alcohol that is we know they have high sugar component, oil and fat may be harmful to a person if not proportionally consumed. The individual may suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, a stroke or heart attack.

Burning Fat with Aerobics:

There are many great benefits of aerobics for your body. One of the most benefits of aerobics is that you can burn fat in customs that are easier on your body rather than running dieting program. It is very clean to burn fat with aerobics as task, because there are many ways that you can fix, fit, and slim your body to do your daily activities.
While you are house up a sweat and running on your concern scale, all of your muscles are also receiving great clothes out of the aerobics work that you are liability. As you take new blood and oxygen to all of your body systems, you are leaving to find that you are bountiful manually the best venture to truly get rid of all that useless fat as you go along. Effective effort to burn fat is something that you can lastly take dictate of when you are liability aerobics on a steady root.



What is Yoga?

The word yoga means "union" in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where yoga originated. We can think of the union occurring between the mind, body and spirit.
What is commonly referred to as "yoga" can be more accurately described by the Sanskrit word asana, which refers to the practice of physical postures or poses.
Asana is only one of the eight "limbs" of yoga, the majority of which are more concerned with mental and spiritual well being than physical activity. In the West, however, the words asana and yoga are often used interchangeably.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eat The Right Portions


Portion sizes are increasing almost everywhere we turn - at the grocery store, at restaurants, at home and at the movies. Studies show that the when faced with larger portions, people inadvertently consume more calories which can lead to weight gain.

Here are ways by which you can control your portions:

Serving Size:

Many restaurants serve more food than one person needs at one meal. Take control of the amount of food that ends up on your plate by splitting an entrée with a friend. Or, ask the wait person for a "to-go" box and wrap up half your meal as soon as it's brought to the table. If you order an entrée, take the leftovers home, refrigerate and enjoy another meal or a snack tomorrow.

Eat Your Fast Food on a Plate:

When you order fast food, picture the food on a plate. Even better, take it home and put it on a plate. You may be surprised at how full the plate looks, so next time try a smaller size.

Order Smaller Portions of Fast Food and Take-Out:

Try fast food options such as smaller burgers, grilled chicken sandwiches or salads with low-calorie dressings, cups or bags of fresh fruit, low-fat milk, 100% fruit juice and bottled water.

Look for low sodium options.

At sandwich shops, ask for leaner cuts and smaller amounts of roast beef, turkey, or ham; extra lettuce and tomato; and whole-wheat, oatmeal, or multigrain bread.

Drinks Count Too!

Try drinking a glass of water before your meal.

Try making your own iced tea with honey, instead of white sugar.

Instead of an alcoholic beverage, try a diet soda, or club soda with fresh lemon or lime. You will consume less calories.

Try mixing 100% fresh fruit with club soda for a refreshing alternative to soda or packaged drinks.

You can make your own lemonade with fresh lemons, sparkling water, and honey instead of sugar.

Go Ahead - Spoil Your Dinner:

We learned as children not to snack before a meal for fear of "spoiling our dinner." Well, it's time to forget that old rule. If you feel hungry between meals, eat a healthy snack, like a piece of fruit or small salad, to avoid overeating during your next meal.

Portion Control In Front of the TV:

When eating or snacking in front of the TV, put the amount that you plan to eat into a bowl or container instead of eating straight from the package. It's easy to overeat when your attention is focused on something else.
Buy or portion out treats and snacks in small bags or packages.
Portion sizes are key especially for once-in-a-while foods such as treats, sweets and drinks.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Fashionable Boots For Men


In the gamut of stylish men footwear, the most shining name is that of funky fashionable boots for men. Winter Boots for males are the most practical and comfortable footwear, as they provide warmth. Boots are selling like hotcakes mainly among youngsters. These long length shoes showcase an exclusive variety ranging from Casual man boots to Eskimo boots, Worker's hiking boot, Executive's boot, funky leather boots for men and Risk taker's boots.

In colder regions, boots are the best way to beat the cold winds. For each occasion there are distinct boot types. For daily wear purpose, casual boots are just apt. Among casual segment, Leather shoes are simply rocking. They look stylish and trendy. Leather boots just go perfect in winters as the leather base provides traction and support to your feet. The best part about boots is that they can smoothly sail in all occasions. You can attire them with jeans and trousers.

For sportsmen we have a special variety of boots known as the risk taker's boots that provide you with the necessary support just perfect to fight with the poor weather conditions. Such boots have a very thick sole. Eskimo boots are a great comfort to wear and are primarily worn by people in colder places. The best thing about these boots is that you do not require heavy fabric thick socks because the footwear only gives enough warmth and coziness. Well, fashion boots apart from being comfortable and practical footwear have become more of a fashion symbol today.

Men's Fashion Shoes


Visit any footwear showroom and you are bound to get confused between the distinct types of men fashion shoes that are stored. There is a shoe type virtually for every occasion. Every occasion has its own special importance, and thus requires a special treatment. Among men, it is their shoes, which reflect their attitude and speak their style. Man Leather shoes are in vogue and this fashion trend of leather being attired, as the funkiest footwear will never fade.

There is an exotic variety of shoes hitting the market ranging from casual shoes for men to the party time shoes. Well, the ambit of cool footwear is again extensive and includes sneakers, loafers, floaters and funky sporty sandals. For the office goers, the best option is to go in for Oxford shoes. These ankle length shoes are also known as dress shoes. For sporting activities, there are specially made sport shoes, which provide the necessary grip, and support, which helps to minimize injuries.

For the party purpose we have a couple of trendy men boots and leather shoes that invite opposite sex attention. For special occasions, there is an exquisite variety of footwear like classy Jutties and Kohlapuri Chappals and they look simply fabulous with ethnic ensemble. For shorter men, there are high-heeled shoes that give a taller appearance. Buying the trendy funky shoes is fine but make sure it is comfortable too. Also while shopping, be clear about the formality of an event and then pick up a perfect pair of footwear for you.

While choosing shoes for u, you should also have a look on these styles
  • Dress Shoes
  • Sandals
  • Casual Shoes
  • Peshawari Sandals
  • Boy's Style Shoes
  • Boy Sandals
  • Pierre Cardin Shoes
  • Urban Sandals
  • Urban Shoes
  • Sky Walk
  • Hush puppies Shoes

Man Fashion Jeans


Jeans has created bizarre all over. People are crazy about it and its just man fashion jeans oomph everywhere. It's almost like a staple in men wear collection. It is the other name for style. Highly durable and comfortable, jeans are a great fashion statement. From models to celebrities to professional to college guys all love to dress up in their pair of stylish jeans. Denim fashion man jeans sensation is so deep in youngster's mind, that they cannot virtually live without it.

Every now and then, we keep hearing of some designer jeans for men. At one point of time if dark shade is in, then the other moment the fashion trend is of light colors. Loose flairy style is pretty old but is again back in fashion. Other styles include boot cuts, stone wash, monkey wash etc but the latest jeans fashion is of faded colors. Every season one can find glimpses of new fashion style.

Jeans has not found place in casual wear category, but is sailing smoothly in office premises too these days. It is a highly flexible type of wardrobe with which you can wear any kind of footwear. Jeans looks cool with sneakers and thong sandals too. One thing that matters the most if fitting. It has given a new dimension to this glamour fashion world.

Denim shirts and jackets are in vogue. Blue jeans are the most versatile and can be worn with all types of T-shirts. For the funky look, freaky washed out is the perfect type. Vintage dirty denim is back again to zoom. It looks cool and trendy and the perfect for evenings. For daytime functions, pale blue jeans are simply mind-blowing. Check out these different fashion styles and flaunt your style.

Funky Pants For Men


To enjoy the cool breeze with a refreshing morning walk, you have some real funky pants. These funky pants for men not just suffice the purpose of morning exercise in the playground but are in itself a great fashion statement. These casual trousers for guys can be attired while dating your girlfriend, as they indicate your coolness. There is a complete assortment of informal gents pants encompassing exclusive varieties like man cargo pants, 4 and 6 pocket pants, track pants and chino style trousers. They look trendy and are highly comfortable.

These casual trousers differ in terms of cuts, styles and fabric. Some are flairy baggy type while other has a boot cut styling. 4 and 6 pocket pants vary in the number of pockets. These trousers look extremely stylish. Cotton Cargo pants usually called cargos are just apt for those who wish to maintain the hip-hop style. These big pocket beautiful motif pants come up in different colors primarily khaki and earthen shades. Black cargos are equally in. The best is to attire them with T-shirt.

Track pants are ideally meant for jogging. They can also be worn while gym workouts. Extremely comfortable and cozy, they are the sportsperson personal choice. If you do not have a proper sleeping night suit, then also these loose fitting freaky pants can be opted for. Chinos use a blending concept of two fabrics: cotton and synthetic fiber. They are characterized by narrow leg cuts and are tapered on the bottom. They are modernistic and apt for urban men. Experiment with these different trendy funky pants and flaunt your cool attitude.

Casual Menwear


While at home, we normally wish to dress up in comfortable clothes that can help us in relaxing. So, guys now you don't need to worry. There are multiple varieties that you can choose from. Men informal wear collection is extensive and encompasses stylish T-shirts and funky pants. There is a style for every body type. Jeans has created sensation among people and has become an all time favorite among men.

Casual menwear clothing gives you a freaky look. And when the talk is about funky casual clothes for men, there are many good options available like cargos, chino style trousers, track pants, 4 and 6 pocket pants. Among top styles there are tank tops, sleeveless, transparent T-shirts and retro tops etc. You'll be virtually astonished to see the variety of jeans ranging from
baggy pants to carpenter pants to boot cut style etc. Washed out jeans is the latest fashion statement.

The kinds of clothes we wear indicate about our personality. Though you can wear almost anything you wish to, but there are some generalizations regarding the kind of clothing you attire. Like it is believed that red color is symbolic of passion, power and boldness. It is a bright shade that sets you apart from the entire crowd. But this color is generally expected to be worn by bold people who wish to make their unique fashion statement. Shy introvert type usually pick up sober shades for them that do not accentuate their personality.

In fashion, its important to wear what highlights your body features and at the same time disguise your bad body characteristics. There is different clothing style for everybody according to the body frame and height. Like horizontal prints are ideal for thinner men and vertical prints are perfect patterns for little plump category. So, if due consideration is paid to follow them, it can work wonders for you. Mind you guys, anytime you go about buying a pair of jeans, always ensure the fit because where good fit can flatter your body; bad fit can spoil the look and make you appear ugly. Always go in for smart intelligent dressing.

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Men's Jeans For Body Type

Short Men Informal Wear

Tall Men Informal Wear

Men's Western Clothing


It was in ancient times that men used to dress up in ethnic style but now since a past few decades men dressing has been western type. Man western clothing ensemble is mind-blowing consisting of multiple exquisite varieties. For casual purposes there are cool comfy man western clothing styles. Funky pants catalog encompasses cargos, four and six pocket pants, drawstring pants and shorts. For jogging and other fitness activity there are track pants. Sheer comfortable and highly flexible are specially meant for sporting activities. Among top styles there are different styles in T-shirt like turtlenecks, V-necks and sleeveless etc.

Jeans has created bizarre all over and is one piece of clothing that can be found in every man's cupboard. Latest trend this season is of washed out jeans. Blue jeans is a big hit among youngsters. Jeans is highly versatile and can go well with any color T-shirt. There was a time when jeans were considered to be a part of informal wear. But now in the contemporary times business suit with the conservative mandatory tie is dying and jeans has made its way to the office premises.

For the formal meetings there are formal men wear tuxedo.
These tuxedos and other business suit form part of the perfect interview attire. As far as formal dressing is concerned you need to pick up the tie very carefully that goes in line with your business suit. White is the most versatile shirt color with which all ties make good combo. Checks and stripes are funky styles in shirt. Whether you go in for tailored or prêt wear shirt ensure its fit. Proper maintenance in terms of right way of folding and hanging clothes helps to maintain the look of the clothing and it lasts for a long time.

Winter brings along glamorous clothing for men. Designer sweaters in different styles like pullover, cardigan, and sweatshirts etc. retro designs are in vogue. Jackets are gaining momentum among teen boys. Western wear leather clothing for men is hot and happening. Leather dinner jackets look trendy and are apt for the dashing look. Another stiff competitor is a denim jacket. These jeans jackets are apt for funky freaky look and look great on casual comfy pants.

Well the big shopping centers are flooded with these fabulous range western clothing for men so men you have real good options to choose from.

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Office Wear For Men

Men's Winter Clothing

Men's Sports Clothing

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dhoti Kurta


Dhoti kurta is the most traditional of all dresses worn by the men in India. If you ever see photographs of Indians, before, during and soon-after the independence era, you will find most of them wearing either the dhoti kurta or kurta pajama. Earlier dhoti kurta used to be a casual daily wear of the Indian men. But with the modernization of our society, it steadily got relegated to just formal clothing. However, there are still people, especially in the rural belts, who wear the dhoti-kurta on a regular basis.

Dhoti is a rectangular piece of unstitched cloth about five yards long, wrapped about the waist and legs and knotted at the waist. It is known by different names in different languages, like Mundu in Malayalam, Dhuti in Bangla, Veshti in Tamil, Pancha in Telugu, Dhotar in Marathi and Panche in Kannada. In North India, dhoti is worn in combination with a kurta top, which a long loose fitting shirt. The traditional wear of dhoti kurta is called Dhuti Panjabi in east India. This dress is different from a lungi, as in the latter, the cloth is stitched to form a circle.

Dhoti kurta may have lost its popularity in the modern day India, but it is still worn with a lot of dignity by the many prominent senior citizens, politicians, musicians, dancers and others. Worn on all important government and family occasions, the dhoti kurta is also allowed to be donned in post upscale clubs, which normally stipulate very stern dress code for guests. The one prominent Indian citizen who gets all credit for popularizing this attire beyond the Indian borders is Mahatma Gandhi.

How to Wear/ Tie a Dhoti
There are various styles of wearing the Indian dhoti. For instance, Bengali men usually make pleats in their dhoti. In South India, the dhoti wearers add the angavastram to their attire, which is an extra piece of unstitched cloth kept on the shoulders. For convenience purpose, many South Indian men fold their dhoti in half and tuck it at the waist so that it reaches only till the knees. In certain communities of Rajasthan, wearing the dhoti-kurta is mandatory.



Kurta-Pajama, consisting of two pieces of garments, is one of the basic clothing of the Indian men. The first garment is a kurta that is like a loose long shirt almost reaching the knees, whereas the second one is the pajama or pyjama, which is a lightweight drawstring trouser. Though mostly worn on formal occasions, kurta pajama can also be worn casually. Infact, there are many Indian men who wear this dress as their sleepwear.

The term 'pyjama' crept into the English language from Hindustani, a language from which Urdu and Hindi originated. The word originally derives from the Persian word 'Payjama' meaning 'leg garment'. It was due to the British colonialization of India that the term 'pajama' and the dress spread to other parts of the world. In India, one will often find politicians wearing white starched Kurta Pajama. As a tradition, civilians wear this dress during festivities and other special
occasions like holi, religious ceremony, etc.

Only soft material fabrics are used for making kurta pajama as it is supposed to be a comfortable loose fitting dress. Though good quality cotton is the most common material used for making kurta pajama, other fabrics like silk and satin are also used. Normally adults prefer wearing the kurta and pajama in neutral shades, as they give a very dignified look. Children, on the other hand, wear this dress in varied hues and patterns. Kolhapuri chappals are the most preferred footwear for this type of attire.



Sherwani is an immaculately designed coat, with a close body fit, which is fastened in the front with buttons. It is supposed to be worn over a kurta and a churidar, or khara pajama or a salwar and at times, even a dhoti. A part of men's clothing in India, the traditional Sherwani happens to be an ultimate wedding and party attire. It is very akin to an Achkan, or a doublet, and is worn by gentlemen of all age-group in the country. Though Sherwani is a very popular Indian men's wear, it is said to have originated somewhere in Central Asia.

It used to be the court uniform of the nobles of Turkish and Persian origin in the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire, before it got generally adopted here in the late 18th century. Sherwani was also the dress code in the court of the Nizam of Hyderabad. The word Sherwani immediately crops up the picture of India's first Prime Minister, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, as it used to be his favorite attire. This dress style is especially popular among the North Indians, who prefer to wear it on formal occasions during winters.

Infact, it is a rule for many Indian government officials to wear a black Sherwani on state occasions. Though formal Sherwani is often single hued, the one worn for wedding and parties is usually embroidered or detailed in some way. It is one of the favorite dresses for the groom in India. Normally rich heavy fabrics are used for party purpose. There are tailors who specialize in stitching it and the cost can range from a couple of thousands to lakhs of rupees. Though various styles of readymade Sherwani are available in the market, some get them stitched by fashion designers, in which case the price is often sky high.

Groom Ethnic Clothing


Marriage is the most beautiful thing that can happen to mankind. It is an institution, which ties the knot of two individuals and opens the door for meeting of two minds, body and soul. This special relationship calls for a big time celebration where all arrangements are simply mind-blowing. Amid all splendid things, how can we forget about the groom dress? Groom should wear something that reflects his styling and at the same time that sets him apart in the entire crowd. The latest trend is of groom fashion ethnic clothing. There are staggering varieties of ethnic wear for grooms.

As you travel in India, you'll find lot of diversities in Indian groom ethnic clothing. North Indian grooms attire sherwani with churidar & the ethnic dress is teamed with a turban. Whereas if you visit southern India, there the grooms bedeck dhoti more commonly known as 'Veshti' along with 'Jubba' i.e. kurta. But now there is a metamorphosis in ethnic styling in line with contemporary times.

For those who do not wish to completely go ethnic, variations are given in styling and cuts. Kurta which is ideally knee length long has undergone a transformation. Guys for a more urbane & modernistic look can opt for calf length kurtas. You can complement your sherwani with jodhpuri pants or tight fit churidar. Men, who wish to make their distinctive hip-hop style image, can don sherwani with a pair of trousers. Team it with a beautiful embroided stole and drop it on your shoulder. What makes a groom's dress distinguished is embellishment. Swaroski crystals and intricate embroideries like Zardosi have come to play their part and are sincerely performing their task of adorning the groom. Sequins and stone work looks classic.

Evergreen color in sherwani is off-white. But now as times change, some new fashion rules the town. In the present scenario Bollywood celebrities have such a strong influence on the people that whatever they do or whatever they attire becomes a fashion style that everybody wishes to copy. Getting inspired by the stars of tinsel world of fashion, new sherwani and other ethnic arrivals are coming up in dark shades like black, maroon and dark blue. For the total complete look, wear royal mojris or jutties and then see people wont be able to take their eyes off you.

Retro designs are in vogue like the traditional pretty buti motif. So, guys check out the classic wedding ethnic range and pick up some exclusive piece for yourself because its just a one time occasion so do something different and special for your beautiful bride so that she can feel proud of her handsome husband who is looking elegant and graceful. Make this day really special and extraordinary.

Indian Ethnic Clothing


India is the land of varieties. Varieties in culture, languages, dressing etc... it is rightly told that the unity of India lies in diversity. Being the land of diversities, Indian dressing styles also differ from regions to regions and occasions to occasions. Indian ethnic wears range from the traditional dresses to modern designer ethnic wears. Today even in the ramps the ethnic wears create waves. The designs have demand even in foreign countries and Indian ethnic wears could no way be neglected when considering the dressing style of modern world.
The best part about these ethnic ensembles is that apart from being fashionable, they are also very comfortable. They look royal and give a very dashing look. Crystal embellishments and exquisite embroideries are finding place on traditional Indian clothes for men. Today men are becoming very fashion conscious especially in urban areas. To adorn their personality there is a fabulous range of traditional clothing encompassing sherwani suit, jodhpuri, kurta pajama, etc... In rural and semi urban areas men are still sticking to Dhotis.

When considering the most popular Indian ethnic wear 'kurta and paijama' deserves the topmost place. Silk kurta gives dazzling effects.
For the complete ethnic look, attire it with either churidar or simple loose fit pajama. Those who want to look stylish and at the same time wish to maintain that cool dude image too, then attairing kurta with funky jeans will do it. Beautifully designed embroided 'sherwanies' deserve the next place. Sherwanies give an aristocratic look. Phulkari embroidery of Punjab and Zardosi make fantastic designing, which is unique. Nehru collar shirts and band galas are hot and happening.
Even though Indian men prefer western outfits like shirt and pants for the day today use, ethnic wears are inevitable for every special occasions and functions. Here listed are few of the popular Indian ethnic wears.