Introduction into Microsoft Windows 98
Microsoft Windows 98 is the application that runs all of your programs. It is your computer's operating system. Windows 98 stores files in items called Folders on different Drives. To learn more about how Windows 98 deals with files, click --> Main Keywords associated with Windows 98
This tutorial will help you get started with Microsoft Windows 98 and may solve some of your problems, but it is a very good idea to use the Help Files that come with Windows 98, or go to Microsoft's web site located at for further assistance.
Main Keywords Associated With Microsoft Windows 98
• Drives
o Drives are devices used to store data. Most computers have at least two drives: a hard drive C:\ (which is the main means of storage) and a floppy drive (which stores smaller volumes of data (1.44 Mb) on 3.5" disks - floppy disks). The hard drive is typically designated the C:\ drive and the floppy drive is typically designated the A:\ drive. If you have an additional floppy drive, it is typically designated the B:\ drive. You will also have network drives on your computer, depending on authorization and rights of each user. This drives will typically be labeled F:\ or H:\ or G:\
• Folders
o Folders are used to organize the data stored on your drives. Think of your drives as filing cabinets. You want to sort your filing cabinets with folders that store different files. The files that make up a program are stored together in their own set of folders. You will want to organize the files you create in folders. You will probably want to store files of a like kind in a single folder.
• Directory
o A Directory is the path given to a folder on a drive. For example a text file called Phone Numbers is located in the My Documents directory on the C:\ drive. It would therefore read "C:\My Documents\PhoneNumbers.txt"
• File Extensions
o File Extensions are the ending letters associated with a file and an application that it can be manipulated in. This way Windows 98 knows to tell which program to open the file you want to manipulate. For example a text file has an extension of .txt, so a text file created in Notepad called Phone Numbers would look like this PhoneNumbers.txt ... You do not have to assign a file extension to a file that you create. The program you use will automatically do this for you. All you need to do is give it a filename. Some other common extensions are as follows:
.doc = Microsoft Word Document
.xls = Microsoft Excel Document
.ppt = Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
.mdb = Microsoft Access Database
.bmp = Windows Bitmap Picture
.wav = Sound File
.html or .htm = Internet Document
• Icon
o An Icon is a graphic image. Icons help you execute commands quickly. Commands tell the computer what you want the computer to do. To execute a command by using an icon, double-click on the icon.
Windows Desktop
When starting your computer, the desktop is the first thing you. The Bay City Public Schools image is displayed on the screen with icons for various programs. The desktop is the area you work in.
Picture Description
The taskbar is usually located on the bottom of the desktop. The Start button, active program buttons, and the system tray are located on the Taskbar
System Tray
You'll typically find the System Tray in the lower right hand corner of the Windows Desktop. The system tray contains a display of the current computer time, and the icons representing the programs activated when Windows first starts up.
My Computer
My Computer icon provides access to the different parts on your computer. You can access the different drives (Hard Drive, Floppy Drive, Network Drives) inside My Computer.
Recycle Bin
When you delete an object, Windows 98 sends it to the Recycle Bin. You can restore objects that are located in the Recycle Bin or you can permanently delete them by right clicking on the Recycle Bin and select Empty Recycle Bin.
My Documents
The My Documents folder is nothing more than a regular folder that resides on your Windows Desktop. However, it offers an easy-to-reach location where you can store and retrieve important data, and the icon is always available in Explorer Windows and on the desktop.
Internet Explorer
The Internet Explorer icon launches the Internet Explorer browser. The Internet Explorer browser is what you will use to access the Internet and the World Wide Web.
Shortcut Icons
Icons with an arrow in the lower left corner (picture on left) are shortcut icons. If you double click on them they will open up the program that the icon displays on it.
Shutting Down Windows 98
1. Click on the Start at bottom left corner of screen
2. Click on Shutdown (A Shut Down Windows dialog box will appear)
3. Click on Shut Down
4. Click on OK
Restarting Windows 98
(To shutdown and immediately restart your computer)
1. Click on the Start at bottom left corner of screen
2. Click on Shutdown (A Shut Down Windows dialog box will appear)
3. Click on Restart
4. Click on OK
Opening A Program
• If the program you want to open is on the desktop, simply double-click the icon and it will open. However if it is not located on the desktop do the following steps
1. Click on the Start at bottom left corner of screen
2. Click on Programs
3. Select the Program you want to open
Finding Files On Your Computer
• If, for some reason, you cannot locate a file on your computer or home drive, you still might be able to locate it by using the Find Files Program.
1. Click on the Start at bottom left corner of screen
2. Click on Find
3. Select the Find Files or Folders
4. Enter your search criteria. You do not need to complete every field. Only enter the criteria you want to use for your search. Switch through the different tabs (Date, Advanced, Name & Location) to further your search
5. Click the Find Now button
Locating Your Most Recent Files
• Windows 98 provides shortcuts to your most recent files, so you may get access to them very quickly.
1. Click on the Start at bottom left corner of screen
2. Click on Documents
3. Select the file that you want
Using the Windows Explorer Program
• Windows Explorer is a program which allows you to view all of your folders, and the files that belong in those folders. It is divided into 2 panes. On the left side are the drives and folders. The right pane shows the files and subfolders of the folder or drive you have chosen from the left pane.
1. Click on the Start at bottom left corner of screen
2. Click on Programs
3. Select Windows Explorer
o Creating A Folder
1. Select the Drive or Folder you want to create your Folder in
2. Right click in the right pane in the white area
3. Select New
4. Select Folder
5. Type in name for that Folder
o Deleting a file or folder
1. Select the File/Folder you want to delete
2. Hit the Delete Key on the keyboard
3. Confirm Deletion
o Moving/Copying files to different folders
1. Select the Folder you want to move or copy
2. To Move File - Simply drag it to the destination you want it to go to
3. To Copy File - Click on Edit --> Copy from the top of the screen. Then go to the destination folder and click Edit --> Paste
o Copying a file/folder to a floppy disk
1. Select the Folder you want to move or copy
2. Right click on the file or folder in the right pane
3. Select Send To -->
4. Select 3.5 Floppy (A)
5. You can also drag the file to 3.5" Floppy (A:\) in the left pane
o Copying a file/folder from a floppy disk to other drive
1. Select 3.5 Floppy (A:) in the left pane
2. Select the File/Folder you want to copy from in the floppy drive
3. Drag it to your destination
o Renaming A File or Folder
1. Select the File or Folder you want to rename
2. Right Click on it
3. Select Rename
4. Rename File
Microsoft Office 2000 Installation
To Install Office 2000, click on the My Computer, then on CD Drive. In the CD you will find Ms Office 2000 folder. Double Click on that, then double click on setup.exe file.
A window with installation instructions will appear. Write down the CD Key for this version of MS Office.
The following screens will appear as the Office installer prepares itself and the system for the Office 2000 Installation.